The moratorium on purses
I definitely feel that a girl cannot have too many purses. My husband feels differently. When we met, I didn't even carry a purse. I just stuck my license and some cash in my pocket and I was out the door. Now that I'm a makeup-wearing, cell phone-carrying chickie, I need a purse. Not to mention my Franklin planner, pens, checkbook, big ass wallet, lotion, stuff I don't need, iPod, more stuff I don't need, extra Tylenol, etc. I've had a quest for the perfect purse, which I have never found. So I keep trying. My husband got so sick of purses lying around that he told me no more purses. Every now and then I sneak one into the rotation. This weekend my dad bought me this one:

Who says your husband gets to tell you whether you can buy more purses? Sheesh. :) No no no.
Very nice. Your father has nice taste!
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