Nearing obsolescence -- I better write something
I'm always worried. I started to say that I am always worried that I will run out of stuff to say on my blog, or that I won't have anything funny to say, or that what I do have to say I can't really say because someone might read it. When I saw the words "I'm always worried" I decided that sums it up pretty darn well for me. I have been crazy insane with work and with getting my dad settled into his new residence. Now in between saving people from choking and playing bridge, he seems to be doing really well. Today I have a headache and I am worried about that. It's not a normal headache where it's just a dull thing that's there. It's the kind of headache that when I bend over and then stand up I get hit by a throbbing blast in the side of my head. If I tilt my head back and then straighten it up, more of the same. Anyhow, more to worry about. Maybe I'm getting a worry headache, or an aneurysm. The other stuff that's been going on is that my poor Prius is getting beat up on. Last week on the West Wing, there was this whole plot line about Josh Lyman plowing over a Prius in a gigantor SUV. Anyhow, one night driving home from the Kitchen a few weeks ago, I hit a large tree branch that for someone was in the middle of 160 (a 2 lane highway in Sacrament0). I tried to avoid it, but it was almost across into the second lane. I ended up cracking the front bumper, knocking out grill and the fog light assembly. I don't even have license plates on my car yet. I was pissed. This was not the worst of it...moments later, my lovely husband lost his dinner in my beautiful Prius (tan cloth interior) and then proceeded to roll down the window, coating my car interior, windows, ceiling, seat belts, headrests, etc. with his lovely dinner (did I mention the wine?). Anyhow, after some major cleaning and airing out (and some more cleaning -- for the record, Mike owes me a detailing on the car) the Prius is back on the road. I still have to get the front fixed. Estimates range from $732 - $914. Then last weekend at the Casino, someone must have thrown the door of their Bradley tank open into the side of my poor little car, leaving a big dent and some battleship gray paint. Damn, can't a girl get a break? That's all I got...
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