jest magazine - volume 3 issue 2

This link gets you to one of the funniest political humor pages I've seen this year. You have to check it out.
At work yesterday, I discovered that my little area affectionately known as analysts' row is divided similarly to the rest of our country. There's half republicans (including my boss who will hear of nothing else and in fact yesterday referred to Kerry as a "radical liberal") and the other half is democrat. Yesterday, we learned that one of our own is UNDECIDED. We were sitting dispersed in the two cubicles that have TVs in them (the emergency response/business continuity people) waiting to see what Osama Bin Laden had to say and we formed into groups by our political affiliation (I can't stand listening to the republican rhetoric, and in the democrat cubicle, we just make fun of the republicans because we are all very mature -- and because we don't take ourselves so seriously).
That's when someone asked Mr. Undecided who he was voting for and he told us he wasn't sure yet. EVERYONE charged into his cubicle saying "Let's get to work" or "There's still hope for him" or other stuff like that. It was actually pretty funny. Maybe you had to be there.
I brought home more work this weekend. Ack.
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