When you start to hate Sundays, it's really saying something about what you think about your job.
Anyhow, in store for the day is some cleaning and laundry and I'm also going to try to do some work on some scheduling for work today as well. I have so much to get done over the next few months it's starting to make my head spin.
We went to see
Team America: World Police yesterday.

If you are a fan of South Park, and you don't take yourself too seriously, and you are able to laugh at Michael Moore as much as you are able to embrace him as a great filmmaker, then you will love this movie. Complete with action packed music, like the Team America theme song ("America, Fuck Yeah!"), puppet sex and puppet vomit, this movie rocked. The whole experience was hysterical, starting with the preview for the Sponge Bob Square Pants movie, which is coming out soon. We were hysterical over that trailer, and for no apparent reason. It was funny to hear all of the South Park voices in the characters of Alex Baldwin, Hans Blix, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, George Clooney, and Sean Penn. I've heard that some of the characters are upset about their likenesses appearing in the movie, but they seriously need to lighten up. Anyhow, Mike and I definitely recommend it.
We also went to
Mikuni midtown last night. It was an AMAZING sushi experience. We happened to hook up with some former casino restaurant managers from Mike's job and I had my first
sake bomb ever, and it made me fall asleep on the ride home (no, I was not driving). Now I can say I've done it.
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