William Shatner is not a "Has Been"
WilliamShatner.com :: The Official Shatner Website I have always considered myself to be a self-professed geek. I think my AOL profile may have actually influenced my husband when he saw "being a geek" listed as one of my hobbies. Well...there's a certain geek appeal about William Shatner. Some of my earliest memories revolve around Star Trek -- mostly that my brother Brett has a blue scientist uniform jacket and people called him Spock when we were little (I'm sure the haircut didn't help him out much on that front). At any rate, there's something really kitchy-cool about William Shatner. The first time I ever saw him sing was back in New York. I was at a party being thrown by the staff of Screw magazine. Amongst the various nasty porn videos featuring women and animals, there was one gem -- William Shatner singing Mr. Bojangles and Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. I loved it instantly. Anyhow, William Shatner has put out an album that was produced by Ben Folds, who is another of my idols (and one of the greatest rock pianists making music these days). I just downloaded it from iTunes and what I have heard sounds great.

> mostly that my brother Brett has a blue
> star trek scientist uniform jacket
Really? I think I need to see this. :)
Next time I go back to Massachusetts, I will get it for you, or I will have my dad send it before he comes out here. I may have some pictures to scan and I'll post them here.
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