Thursday, September 02, 2004

watering the dogs

I went to dinner with some pals from the DMV (no, not Patty and Selma). First of all, traffic SUCKS! I don't know how people can sit in traffic for freaking ever every night. I guess I never really realized how awful it is. I went to Bandera for dinner (which was awesome), and took 50 to the Howe Avenue Exit. It took me 30 minutes to get from the exit over to University. Crazy! Okay, so to people who have no idea where I am talking about, nevermind.... Anyhow, I had to get home to let the dogs outside. Zero piggy was in his crate since about 1:30 or 2:00 when Mike went to work. He was ready to go outside when I got home at 7:30. I then went outside to water my dead plants after watering the dogs. My sister-in-law is a doll for not making fun of my dead plants when she was visiting. Her blog is awesome. My nosey neighbor came outside the other day and said "Marilyn, dear, don't you think you might want to just run a hose at night or something? I think your plants need water." I can't even put into print what I called her. Mike said I used colorful language, but I don't remember. I'm claiming possession disorder.


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